luni, 1 septembrie 2014

Order Disorder Helmets for Sale !!!

A Walk In The Park (Size M)

Purple Haze (Size M)

Red Rose (Size L)

Silver Spider (Size L)

Space (Size M)

For any Info contact or Tel.0040720012390 Paul 
                                                                                        0040769175942 Zolly
Have a nice day!

Custom Wheels Brasov 2014

Custom Wheels Brasov
It was the best motorcycle event this year; people and bike's/rat rod's are all the same...very beautiful
and each one of the bike builders is a great personalty.

I really enjoyed this weekend and the ride to Brasov,Transylvania.

Here are some pictures from the event:

Respect for all the Custom Bike Builders !!!!
We salute you!